Download maps Slavic oracle. Vedic numerology. The path of truth

  • 08.08.2020

Publisher: Golden Section Year of publication: 2017

Deck of 56 cards + book, soft translation, 240 pages, 60x90 / 16, 2017


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At all times, man has tried to look into the future. In ancient times - to get the approval or warning of the gods and spirits before this or that business, long journey, trade deal, wedding and other important event. For this, the so-called oracle was often used - a deck of cards with images. Often, the cards depicted the faces of gods, spirits and other religious symbols inherent in a particular culture. As for the Slavs, they used runes and dossiers for divination. Sudenitsy is an ancient Slavic oracle - a kind of deck of cards. But she did not look in the usual form for us. Sudenicas were made of thin wooden plates, images of the gods were applied to them with a red-hot metal rod or cut out with a sharp object. They were named after the sisters-soothsayers, who, according to ancient legends, determined the fate of a person. Slavic gods and spirits were depicted on the plates. In this case, the authors propose not tarot cards, but a Vedic oracle. Oracle, from the Latin - I say, I say, - the most common form of divination in ancient times. A priest was chosen as the oracle. In the broadest sense, the oracle was also perceived as the place where the prediction itself was announced. In modern society, an oracle is understood as a predictor of the future. In this capacity, both the person himself (oracle) and the deck of cards can act. The deck of vessels of 56 cards itself is conditionally divided into two parts: the deck of gods (with an orange frame) and the deck of spirits (with a green frame). Based on this, the reader is offered a number of layouts. (book + deck of 56 cards)

Slavic Reza Kind - This is an ancient magical instrument, consisting of forty symbols-signs, each of which symbolizes one of the Slavic Gods or Goddesses, has a magical connection with this deity and is its material form.

Signs-symbols of Slavic Rez Roda can be depicted on paper or cardboard, applied to wooden planks, carved on a stone or on dice made of salt mixed with flour. Stone and salt resins are used in magic for performing magical rites and rituals, and paper and wooden ones are used for fortune telling and predictions.

Paper cuts may look like, and wooden, stone and salt cuts are very similar to, but neither Tarot nor the Slavic Reza Roda runes are, - this is a completely independent magical one with its own unique meanings and interpretations of symbols, which interacts with the Slavic Gods and transfers them to man answers in the process of divination. Turning to the Gods through the Slavic Res Rod, a person receives in response not only knowledge about the future, about the development of the situation, about relationships, about the state of affairs, but also warnings, instructions and advice on how to best behave, what type of behavior to choose.

Slavic Rezes of the Sort in online fortune telling predict the future as it should be, and a person who has received the answer of the Gods has the opportunity to think over his actions, his actions, look into himself, reflect, and independently make a choice, make a decision, since Rezes contribute to the spiritual and personal development of a person. That is why it is more suitable for spiritually conscious adults who are prone to introspection, those who consider not only the external circumstances of a particular situation, but first of all - their own actions as the reason for what is happening in the present and will happen in the future.

Slavic Reza Sort meaning and interpretation in fortune-telling

As mentioned above, the Oracle of the Slavic Rez of the Roda consists of 40 signs, each of which is associated with one of the Slavic Gods or Goddesses. All Rezes are numbered and divided into four levels. Outside these levels there are Rezes at number 1 - "Genus - the Progenitor of the Gods and the Creator of the World", and at number 40 - "Skipper-Beast - an inhuman conscious entity, a product of Chaos." Reza Rod is the strongest, and everything that is predicted in the scenario following Reza Rod will surely happen.

The power of Rez decreases from Reza # 1 “Genus - the Progenitor of the Gods and the Creator of the World” to Reza # 39 “Brownie”, and sharply increases on Reza # 40 “Skipper-Beast”, which has the same power as # 1. The first level includes the Creator Gods (Reza No. 2-5), the second - the Elder Gods (Reza No. 6-14), the third - the Lesser Gods (Reza No. 15-30), the fourth - Other Gods (Reza No. 31 -39). The meanings and interpretations of the Slavic Rez of the Rod are based on the texts of O. Boyanova's books, presented on the Severnaya Skazka Shop website.

1. Rod, Father of all that is
Significant events are coming in all spheres of life, the appearance of which is destined from Above. Nobody can influence these changes, or cancel them, it is even impossible to resist them. However, you should not be afraid of them - everything that God Rod does is certainly for the better.
You need to easily accept everything that the current situation gives, show gratitude for everything that is and what is happening in life. There is no need to resist what is happening, since nothing depends on you now. In any case, everything will be as it is intended from Above.
Work on your own inner state, find harmony and balance. Even if the planned and started business is not done immediately, sooner or later, one way or another, you will succeed. You just need to wait, and any outcome of events will be correct.
The answer to the question

2. Makosh, Goddess of Fate and Magic
A rather long period full of events begins in life. What exactly - good or bad, happy or unfortunate events are coming - will be shown by other Rezes who fell next to the Goddess Makosh.
The most important task now is to determine your exact goal, remember it, gradually move towards it and show purposefulness. Even if there is a dark streak in life now, Makosh reminds that one should not despair. There is no need to believe in bad Fate, now is not the time to give up.
The situation that has developed must be accepted calmly, confidently and serenely. If you do not despair and do not give up, then there will be a way out of any, even the most hopeless, situation.
We need to take a closer look at new acquaintances: their appearance can be fateful. They can significantly turn the course of a fortuneteller's life. Evaluate their impact and decide if such a turn of events is desirable.
Time of action
Up to one year.
The answer to the question

3. Svarog, Heavenly Father
Reza Svarog directs a person to creativity, makes it clear that he has all the strength to accomplish. The main thing is not to postpone, to get down to business boldly, not to be afraid of new ideas, to listen to inspiration. Now is not the time to "hover in the clouds", it is important to take on real business, to move everything conceived off the ground and implement it with new methods.
Those successful actions and methods that were used before, now can not bring positive results. Therefore, it is very important to connect new tools, methods and new creative ideas. It is also very important to complete the work started earlier, not to abandon it halfway. In any case, the appearance of this Reza in the layout is a very auspicious sign.
In fortune telling, it means a creative and fruitful period when you can build your destiny and make an independent choice. Svarog can also mean a person empowered and willing to help.
In matters of relations, a stable, long-term union is expected, and maybe the creation of a family.
In matters of business, it is possible to create a new company, to open a new business. Business relations are based on complete trust in each other, but at the same time it is necessary to keep all the power in your hands, since in some issues you will have to show toughness and inflexibility.
Time of action
Up to one year.
The answer to the question

4. Lada, Heavenly Mother
Reza Lada brings with it light, kindness, love, joy and creativity. The time for joy, love and kindness comes in life. The goddess reminds that it is best to continue to show love to loved ones, to help other people. She warns that it is impossible to show now selfishness, indifference, coldness, commercialism, thirst for profit and profit.
Even if now there is a black streak in life, soon everything will definitely get better, and the soul will be filled with harmony and peace.
In divination for relationships and love, it means the beginning and strengthening of wonderful warm relationships that end with a wedding and a successful family union.
In business matters, Lada portends success in all endeavors.
Time of action
Up to one year.
The answer to the question

5. Veles, God of three worlds
Soon unexpected changes will come, the deep possibilities of the personality will appear, new abilities will open and begin to develop. Now is the time to be flexible, resourceful, quick-witted and creative. A person has the necessary strength and will to safely resolve the situation. Stubbornness now will only lead to failure.
You should not go ahead, especially since there is a flexible approach to resolving the situation, suitable for all participants in the case. The inner heat of passions and emotions should be calmed down so that nothing interferes and does not affect the actions.
Now we need to ignore the accepted norms and traditions, not to dwell on them. You should not go to someone for advice, listen to the opinions of others - a person is quite capable of coping with the situation on his own.
In fortune-telling about relationships, Reza indicates a person who can be relied on entirely, but he should not open his soul. It is unknown how the relationship will develop. It may also mean that a mystery person will appear in life, trying to unravel the character of which, you can come to the wrong conclusions.
In business matters, Veles talks about the emergence of a person who will open up new horizons for business and become an assistant. His opinion should be trusted, even if he advises what, at first glance, seems absurd.
Time of action
Up to one year.
The answer to the question

6. Horse, God of the Sun
If Reza Horsa appeared in the layout, then this is an unequivocal indication of the beginning of a bright streak in life. The time comes to clarify the situation, gain inner integrity, enlightenment. Reza also informs that life is getting better, the person will be full of bright joy, trusting relationships will be established between relatives, and there will be movement for the better in business.
Now you can’t look back at the failures in the past, at difficult experiences, rely on some misgivings. It is better to do something together, to do something that cannot be done alone.
Time of action
Up to three months.
The answer to the question

7. Divya, Goddess of the Moon
Do not try to directly and unambiguously interpret the received signs, knowledge, words and actions. If Reza fell out during the waxing moon, she recommends intensifying the activity. At this time, you need to start new businesses, it will be possible to achieve success in them. On the waning moon, Reza advises to deal with your inner world, take care of your family, your favorite pastime. And show less interest in what is happening in the outside world.
At the same time, the appearance of this Reza advises you to listen to your intuition - the Moon can reveal what is usually hidden in the subconscious.
Time of action
Up to three months.
The answer to the question

8. Dy, God of Wealth
A person is in danger of some loss of something due to the fault of someone who is nearby. It is very likely that either the fortuneteller himself made a gross mistake, or he was provoked to make a mistake - for example, a slanderer, an envious, false or simply stupid person. Now is the time to rethink your own actions, moderate sacrifice and preserve your integrity.
However, only what he does not need now will be taken away from the fortuneteller. Everything that is required to follow the right path of life will remain with him.
The best quality to use right now is moderation. You should know the measure in everything - your personal plans, fulfillment of obligations in relation to others. It is extremely important to learn how to measure the planned with your real possibilities. Ambition, pride and over-satisfaction of one's own needs will not bring any results.
In fortune-telling about relationships and love, Reza indicates a relationship based on material gain, a lack of sincere feelings. The partner is indiscriminate in means, greedy, pursues his own mercantile goals.
In business matters, he warns that he will have to deal with an official with the power of power, who will require additional funds to resolve the issue, but will be able to help if it will benefit him too.
Time of action
Up to three months.
The answer to the question

9. Viy, Keeper of Souls
Indicates that a person began to do something wrong in his life, began to make wrong decisions, chose the wrong path. Now it is important to reconsider your own behavior, to think over the situation from the point of view of the correct path. Look inside yourself, try to understand what you are doing wrong, where you are doing harm to other people and nature itself.
This Resa also provides a guide by which it will be possible to know that the correct path has been chosen. The sign will be a suddenly begun streak of luck, luck and success.
If in a relationship the fortuneteller is cunning, deceiving, then Reza shows that the partner feels and understands all this. And if he does not speak about it, then he watches and waits how the fortuneteller will further manifest himself, how he will act.
In business matters, Wii warns of a violation of the law, but all this will be revealed, and the perpetrators will be punished.
Time of action
Up to three months.
The answer to the question

10. Belobog, God of Creation
It's time to receive your merit award. Soon the fortuneteller will acquire material wealth, achieve success and prosperity in life. However, this does not mean that it is time to rest and relax. In no case should weakness be allowed at this time - to overstep the norms of morality and law. It is also important to adhere to the rules of generally accepted behavior. Follow kind, constructive principles even in the smallest detail.
Belobog in the layout of the situation means that there is a long and happy period of fame, success and prosperity. Reza promises goal achievement or material success, a period of joy and clarity.
In relationships and love - harmony and happiness, peace of mind, good relationships, wisdom and balance, as well as the protection of these relationships from external encroachments.
In business matters, you can look to the future with optimism and make bright plans. Reza promises stability and stability, and, importantly, protection from ill-wishers.
Time of action
Up to three months.
The answer to the question

11. Chernobog, God of Destruction
A person who received Reza Chernobog in the scenario should prepare to accept the whole truth about his life and prepare for losses. Perhaps the fortuneteller was for a long time in a situation that has outlived its own, and she has to leave, die. The power and strength of Reza Chernobog suggests that it is better now not to resist and not resist the natural course of events. Changes are still coming.
In the current state of affairs, the fortuneteller may well not notice the subtle influence of the power of this Reza - all the changes will pass gently, but one day the person will suddenly realize that his life has changed. It will not do without losses, but something new will appear, and this is good.
In the context of the situation, this is an indication that you will have to say goodbye to something in life. Whether the experience is painful or not depends on the person's ability to acknowledge and accept the need to part with the present.
In divination for love and relationships, Reza informs about the end of a certain stage of life. It is necessary to let go of everything that has exhausted itself. Chernobog can talk about the appearance in the environment of a person who will become the opportunity to start a new life if the fortuneteller is able to part with the past.
In business matters, he can predict that the business in which the fortuneteller is now engaged is doomed to failure. One should not cling to the old, but accept it as an inevitability, not despair, and build something new.
Time of action
Up to three months.
The answer to the question

12. Svyatogor, Guardian of the sky
If Reza Svyatogor appeared in the alignment - most likely, the person is experiencing an internal struggle with himself, a kind of crisis tearing from the inside. It is very difficult for a person to make a choice between mental and carnal, to find the "golden mean" between bodily needs and the desire for self-knowledge.
The vitality and bodily desires of the fortuneteller are strong, but now it is important to make an effort to start learning something new, creative. This can be a new spiritual practice, or the study of some interesting science.
When divining a relationship, Svyatogor may indicate that a person of great physical strength may appear surrounded by a fortuneteller, who will claim a special attitude towards him. In order to establish a good relationship with him, you will have to use non-standard techniques, and maybe even cunning.
In business matters, Reza speaks of a solid, solid foundation for the business, but special attention must be paid to management and management issues.
Time of action
Up to three months.
The answer to the question

13. Mother - Cheese Earth, Goddess of the Earth
A bright and joyful period begins in a person's life, when something new, unknown, unusual experience, an unexpected turn of life comes. In the peaceful course of a calm life, something new and beautiful is born. But we must watch that stagnation does not form in business - after all, it may well drown out the first shoots of the new. Reza can portend pregnancy, a safe childbirth, a good new job, creativity.
In the case of relationships, Reza speaks of a partner who is attracted by the physical and material side of the relationship, and on the part of a fortuneteller means a willingness to accept such a person.
In a business relationship, you cannot do without a reliable partner or friendly team.
Time of action
Up to three months.
The answer to the question

14. Chur, Guardian of the kind of people
Reza first of all warns a person that he will soon be threatened with an unkind, evil influence from a stranger, not a close or relative, but from an external person or people. To understand more clearly what the difficulty will be, and from which people to expect an attack, you should take a closer look at the other Resam that fell out in the layout.
The task of God Chur is to help and warn people against misfortune, to give them the opportunity to prepare for overcoming difficulties. Now you need to calm down, look around, see obstacles, evaluate your own capabilities.
In business matters, Reza means the deterioration of the terms of previous contracts, attempts to violate the terms, the beginning of a crisis that may affect the result.
Time of action
Up to three months.
The answer to the question

15. Svyatobor, God of the forests
Most likely, the person is too involved in some kind of unpleasant situation for him. If you now make a sharp attack, act recklessly, then this can lead to undesirable destructive consequences. Therefore, the main thing now is to remain calm, to find the strength and ability to be wise. The ability to look at things from the outside always helps.
Reza Svyatobora means good omens. All troubles will go away, a good world will reign.
Whatever happens to the fortuneteller during this period of his life, Svyatobor warns that a person has become tattered, nervous, angry, and this entails the loss of opportunities, the loss of something valuable in the spiritual sense. Therefore, we must stop, return to the origins, to love and life. Everything will work out only if the fortuneteller regains his spiritual, human attitude towards others.
Time of action
Up to one month.
The answer to the question

16. Stribog, God of the Wind
The time has come when you can enter into decisive interaction with the world, others, and the situation. With the support of the Wind God, you can achieve a lot, even if the tailwind is short-lived.
Thinking, doubting, calculating, worrying, and planning for too long can result in a lot to be missed. Just do what you have in mind, what you really want, be freer. But despite the permissiveness and reckless mood, one should not forget about a balanced approach. You need to assess the situation sensibly and soberly.
In divining the situation, Reza speaks of the variability of the situation in which everything can change at one moment, changing plus to minus and vice versa.
In the layout of the relationship, Stribog can mean the appearance in the life of a fortuneteller, an enterprising and desperate person with a wide range of interests. Reza advises to remember that this is a man-wind. He can be kept near him only if he constantly creates situations where his help is required. This will saturate the relationship with new shades that will maintain his interest and will not let his feelings fade away.
In business matters, Stribog advises to engage in a variety of small businesses that can satisfy the desire for constant change. It is important to remember that Reza can also point out the shortcomings of accounting for finances and control over their movement.
Time of action
Up to one month.
The answer to the question

17. Semargl, God of Fire
The appearance of the cut of Fire suggests that the fortuneteller's life lately has most likely been routine, boring and dull. The God of Fire will share his fire so that revitalization and movement will come in all spheres of life.
Now analysis, expectation and even planning will not be useful, but will only drag you into the depths of routine and fatigue. Just do what you decide - you will succeed. However, you should beware of the explosion of your own emotions - keep them in check so that there is no "fire".
In divination for relationships, Reza promises their unpredictability and the ability to turn the union into an exciting game. But, if you constantly maintain this competitive attitude, then the relationship can be long and interesting.
In business matters, Semargl advises that if a failure occurs, then you must immediately switch to something else. The emergence of this Reza means relentless movement to where the greatest benefit and benefit can be obtained. But it may also be a warning that the fortuneteller is involved in many projects, and there is a danger, without finishing the job, to leave him.
Time of action
Up to one month.
The answer to the question

18. Perun, God of War, God of Thunder and Lightning
A person has to go through a real battle for justice. The appearance of Reza Perun is a sign that the Thunderer Himself will come to the rescue, strengthen the spirit, give wisdom, determination and stamina. Now it is important to be ready to show courage, ingenuity, fighting spirit, strength in order to defend your ideals of justice.
There is no need to hesitate at such a time and show any indecision. Peace, harmony and prosperity will come to life in the near future.
In the layout of the relationship, it may indicate the need to preserve the family, union, marriage.
In business matters, you need to start resolving controversial issues right now, immediately.
Time of action
Up to one month.
The answer to the question

19. Alive, Goddess of summer, life and love
If Reza Zhiva appeared in the scenario, times of a joyful, warm and bright life have come for a person. Pleasant changes will be observed everywhere and everywhere. For example, a new bright person may appear among friends or acquaintances with whom you will feel in high spirits. In a love relationship, the time will come for new bright sensations. Health will be strong, and business will be completed successfully with a good profit.
Time of action
Up to one month.
The answer to the question

20. Lyolya, Goddess of spring, youth and love
If Reza Lelya appears in the alignment, then this should always be regarded as a one hundred percent renewal of life and inner state. In all areas and spheres, on all issues, changes for the better are expected. These updates and changes cannot be stopped, altered or prevented in any way. But on the other hand, they are very desirable, expected and pleasant.
Lelya comes to the half-open, and not tightly locked door of her heart. Therefore, it is given to the person who has already established a connection between the explicit and the spiritual, between the two worlds - material and immaterial.
In love and relationships - a new acquaintance, bright love, established relationships develop into family relationships, pregnancy and childbirth are possible.
In business matters - the renewal of old projects, the creation of new interesting cases, the flourishing of interest in the business, new achievements and bold steps.
Time of action
Up to one month.
The answer to the question

21. Morena, Goddess of Winter and Death
The appearance of this Reza in the scenario speaks of a stop in the pace of life and upcoming, or already begun, losses in the life of a fortuneteller. But Morena comes to a person not only to say about the upcoming changes, but also to explain that the perception of a new experience will depend only on himself.
For easier acceptance of changes, a person needs to say goodbye to past events, some habits, things, views. Otherwise, the inevitable innovations will come with great difficulty. That is why it is better to surrender to the flow of events, while drawing your own conclusions.
It is better not to plan anything significant during this period. At the time of changes, you should not hope for concrete results - everything can change a few more times. Remember - the influence of the Goddess Morena does not last long.
In fortune-telling about relationships, Morena warns of the appearance of a person who can serve as a trigger for all sorts of problems, monetary losses, difficulties, breakdowns. Moreover, this will happen in the presence of this person or when he is not far from the fortuneteller. Having noticed such coincidences, you must immediately stop meeting and communicating with this person.
In business matters, Morena can mean the collapse of all current affairs, the collapse of work, non-compliance with contracts, disruption of supplies, that is, everything negative that can happen in business.
Time of action
Up to one month.
The answer to the question

22. Lel and Polel, Gods of love and marriage
In a person's life, a period of falling in love will begin, when it will be easiest for him to show his openness to others. A relationship built on trust will bring a lot of joy.
The presence of this Reza in the layout suggests that an interesting business, development, and career growth may appear in business matters. A sudden and long-term surge of strength is coming, a favorable period in all spheres of life. Now logic and prudence are inappropriate, better be guided by your heart, inner intuition.
Time of action
Up to one month.
The answer to the question

23. Koschey, the Dark God
With his appearance, Reza not only foreshadows the onset of a burning desire for change, fatigue from stagnation and monotony, but also the danger of falling into a depressive state. This danger threatens especially those who are very sensitive by nature, often subject to external irritating or depressing action. During this period, it is very important to gradually, little by little, begin to change yourself in the direction of a positive.
Now it is important to change your behavior in small things, pay attention to details and try to improve them. Following the change in small details, the general internal state will also be leveled.
In fortune-telling about the situation, Reza says that an internal psychological conflict between consciousness and subconsciousness awaits a person. Circumstances will force you to do something that is incompatible with your inner convictions, but the harsh word "must" will force you to do it in spite of yourself.
Time of action
Up to one month.
The answer to the question

24. Diva-Dodola (Perunitsa), Goddess of Fertility
Indicates that a noisy, stormy, busy period is ending. A clear but calmer stretch of life is coming soon. Like a clear sky after a thunderstorm, crystal air and bright light, so a new age comes to bring clarity and purification. At such a time, a person will begin to notice that everything will be formed, as if by itself.
During this period, it is extremely important to gather strength to look back in the past, put a fat point and rush forward. It is better not to delay in order to say goodbye to the past, stop looking back. We must admit that everything has already ended, and a new one is about to come.
Appearing in divination for relationships, Reza gives strength both for a strong-willed effort to end with the past, and for an inspiring start to a new period.
In business matters, there is a danger of keeping the old approaches. It is necessary to get rid of outdated views, change the course of action, change the strategy.
Time of action
Up to one month.
The answer to the question

25. Yarilo, God of passion
The time has come for the love of life. In a relationship or in a situation, a new person may appear who will be passionate and unrestrained like the ardent passion of God Yarilo. Now it is completely inappropriate to see benefits in everything, to be skeptical, suspicious or secretive. Trust your feelings, not what the mind tells you, allow yourself something that was previously forbidden.
In deeds, Reza illuminates with the light of truth what was previously hidden. A fortuneteller can find out what he did not know before. The heat of emotion that accompanies these discoveries is inevitable.
Time of action
Up to one month.
The answer to the question

26. Dazhdbog, God of the reflected light
This Reza says that in the event of a deterioration in the situation, or some state of affairs, this phenomenon is not constant, it is easy to fix it. But now is not the time to make sudden movements, turns, start any changes. New ideas should be postponed until better times.
In the situation, Reza foreshadows the continuation of the previous period, but with unexpected, albeit insignificant, turns in life.
In the layouts of relations, Dazhdbog indicates an established, even relationship. But here there may be a danger of unexpected turns in the relationship - the monotonous course of life can provoke unexpected actions of one of the partners.
In business matters, Reza advises careful selection of business partners.
Time of action
Up to one month.
The answer to the question

27. Tara, Keeper Goddess of the Sacred Groves
A situation has ripened in which you will have to make a choice yourself. It is imperative now to take your time. It is best to take a position of expectation, reflection, weighing options and take a step only after hearing a clear inner call. However, it should be remembered that if you are in a state of fear, fear, confusion and uncertainty, then it will be very difficult to make the right choice. You don't need to ask anyone, you don't need to listen to the opinions of others - move forward on your own.
Time of action
Up to one month.
The answer to the question

28. Dogoda, God of Good Weather
This Reza is focused on the present, giving a relaxed rest, joy and a pleasant pastime. You can relax for a while without fear that things will not be completed. Everything that is planned will be done on time. Now the most important thing is to enjoy a brief moment - to breathe in the fresh breeze. It is especially important to pay attention to health, to walk more often in the fresh air, to contemplate nature.
However, the period of pleasure and peace will not last too long, so you should surrender to these events right now.
In the layouts of the situation, Reza appears as a sign that the crisis is over, then there is a period of rest, a well-deserved reward and calmness.
In matters of relationships, everything is also very good - sincere confessions and gifts await a person.
In business, one should expect light changes, new understanding and, in general, a calm, not too active period.
Time of action
Up to one month.
The answer to the question

29. Kvasura, God of fun
This Reza falls out, as a rule, at those moments when a person began to overstep certain boundaries, to exceed in some measure. Any excess is always harmful to health and can be life-threatening. Kvasura warns that a certain clarity, sobriety has been lost, that a person is trying to escape into some kind of reality. At such a time, it is very important to accept your shortcomings and make every effort to eliminate them.
It is required to take immediate action, and the situation will change for the better in any case.
Looking ahead, Reza warns of the possibility of injury, conflict, some financial loss, and a decline in self-esteem.
In fortune-telling about love and relationships, Kvasura indicates the occurrence of problems, conflicts, clarification of relations between people, emotional tension.
Business and business are in danger of serious losses, worries, conflicts, clashes and uncertainties between people.
Time of action
Up to one month.
The answer to the question

30. Kitovras, God of wisdom
This Reza warns against recklessness, excessive gullibility and recklessness in dealing with some person, people who speak too "sweetly" and promise a lot. You should not now accept any help from those who beautifully describe something in words. At this time, it is extremely important to show wisdom, insight and discernment. Otherwise, you can become guilty even without guilt if you obey such advisers.
It is necessary to show patience, wisdom, slowness - this will help to see and understand the hidden motives or secret reasons for the events taking place. A big waste of energy now is useless, it is important to think over every step you take, and sometimes it will even be better and do nothing at all, depending on the complexity of the situation.
In terms of relationships, this is a signal that everything that happens is a consequence of some past events, and now you should not try to radically change something.
In business matters, you should abandon planned transactions, carefully consider the situation, postpone decisions.
Time of action
Up to one month.
The answer to the question

31. Trojan, God of Health
Warns about the danger that is nearby - probably, the person began to use his capabilities incorrectly, in some way he committed wrong actions. But at the same time, there is all the strength to change the situation, to prevent large losses during the onset of a dangerous period, or to completely bypass the danger. To do this, in the present you need to stop and take a closer look at people, circumstances, yourself.
Look for a way out of this situation, start changing yourself, changing your behavior, attitude towards others.
You need to check your health, make a financial check of your business, be careful in your relationships, especially with new acquaintances. Something amiss is happening around, something is in the initial stage of deterioration. The sooner this is discovered, the less negative consequences will turn out in the future.
In dealing with relationships, Reza warns of the danger of a sluggish, dull, weak-willed, unnecessary relationship without love and spiritual closeness.
In business matters, the appearance of God Troyan testifies to chaos, disorder in business, and the need to carefully restore order in documents.
Time of action
Up to one week.
The answer to the question

32. Agidel, Goddess of Sacrifice
Reza is a warning that self-esteem has increased too much, a person began to demand a lot of attention to himself, focus on his achievements, stopped thinking about others, became too selfish.
Circumstances may develop in such a way that a person will have to sacrifice for the sake of others something personal, something especially dear. For everyone, this is something of his own, so the fortuneteller himself must understand what is most dear to him in business, personal relationships, in matters of health and prepare for the fact that this will have to be abandoned, because this will interfere with others in obtaining their personal happiness.
Time of action
Up to one week.
The answer to the question

33. Avsen (Sheep), God pioneer
The person slowed down in one place, because he met some obstacles, obstacles on his way. Because of this, the direction of where to move further was lost, and the fortuneteller does not see a specific goal in front of him.
In layouts for the situation, the appearance of this Reza warns of an unexpected, but long-planned turn in life by Fate.
In personal life, old relationships will remain in the past, and a person will either have to build new relationships with a completely new partner, or build something new with the old one.
In business matters, most likely, new investments are required to develop their business.
Time of action
Up to one week.
The answer to the question

34. Kolyada, God of the young Sun
Reza points out that life will soon undergo rapid changes for the better. The person himself will see how relationships with people will begin to improve, success in business will come, and health will only improve. Now there is no time for laziness, waiting, suspicion or excessive caution.
In terms of the situation, Kolyada suggests dropping doubts and starting to act, even if the actions now seem not entirely thought out and planned.
In fortune-telling about the relationship, Reza portends that a person will soon appear next to whom it is worth taking a closer look, listening, and from whom it is worth learning.
In business matters, the situation will be characterized by an upswing in all important areas. Now a person has enough influence and authority to conclude beneficial agreements, his affairs will begin to improve.
Time of action
Up to one week.
The answer to the question

35. Kupalo, God of the Summer Sun
Reza says that past wrong actions interfere with life, constantly appearing in the form of the same, constantly repeating mistakes. The fortuneteller has a deep sense of guilt, his shadow side of the personality is manifested in the wrong deeds.
Now there is no time to find out who is right and who is to blame for past mistakes. The main meaning of what is happening is for the person to better understand the situation and make attempts to fix what can still be changed. You need to admit your shortcomings, accept them, and the sooner this happens, the faster the situation or the inner state of a person will improve.
In fortune-telling about the situation, Reza portends an almost ready-made, but wrong decision. A convenient and familiar way out of the situation is a legacy of the past and deep complexes. Kupalo urges to stop, think, make the only right decision, and as soon as the feeling comes that doubts have been overcome, to act actively.
In terms of relationships, Reza means the need to support the other person, help him cope with wrong, but habitual behavior.
In business matters, Kupalo advises to carefully monitor the course of business so as not to be guilty without guilt. Even if the situation is in a hurry, do not rush to make a choice, think it over well.
Time of action
Up to one week.
The answer to the question

36. Kostroma, Goddess of early Summer
The appearance of this Reza suggests that a person stopped taking into account the feelings of others, began to behave arrogantly and selfishly, and this gave rise to conflicts. Further display of pride and arrogance in this life situation can be very harmful. The fortuneteller needs to look at himself from the outside and try to wash off pride from himself, until a cruel lesson is learned.
In divination about love and relationships, Kostroma indicates that you need to evaluate your own behavior and think about your attitude towards your partner. As a person relates to another, he receives such an attitude towards himself.
In business matters, this Reza warns about the dangers of calming down, resting on your laurels; about reassurance in the positions reached, about neglect of the opinion of employees and others.
Time of action
Up to one week.
The answer to the question

37.Dewana, Goddess of the Hunt
The appearance of this Reza is ambiguous - on the one hand, there are risks that you need to be able to avoid, and on the other, there is hope for an improvement in your life. Now it is extremely important to try to calculate all the moves, to foresee certain possible events. In the past and present, the fortuneteller has already made enough mistakes that now need to be corrected. All risks must be minimized, otherwise they will lead to failures, misses, defeat.
In the layout of the situation, Devan often indicates that seemingly brilliant opportunities will begin to open up before a person to fulfill the wildest dreams. However, this would constitute cheating.
In business matters, it is possible to offer a dizzying career, an unprecedented profit, but it will end in failure.
In matters of love and relationships, you should not trust your partner. He is one of those who "lay down softly, but sleep hard."
Time of action
Up to one week.
The answer to the question

38. Bogus, God of the Seafarers
When Reza Pereplut appears in the scenario, it is important to start living for today, to accept life as a simple series of events. Perhaps over-relaxation, frivolity, easy-earning opportunities, or carelessness led to this warning.
In divining the situation, Pereplut advises to live for today and not worry about trifles, to spend your time rationally, because tomorrow there will be a new day that will take care of itself. In the layouts of love and relationships, Reza Perepluta says that in this case, work comes first, and only after it is love.
Time of action
Up to one week.
The answer to the question

39. Brownie, Spirit of the House
The appearance of a Brownie in the layout may indicate some circumstances related to relatives, loved ones, family, affairs related to the house. The fortuneteller may have gone excessively into affairs that alienate him from his family, relatives and friends.
The brownie says that you need to take care of the most holy and dear one - your home and family. He also warns of the risk of losing some property. Therefore, now one should be very careful, careful, and prudent so as not to provoke losses.
It is important now to limit yourself from the influence of the outside, focusing on your inner world and the affairs of your family.
Appearing in the hands of health, Reza Brownie suggests paying attention to his own health and family members. In dealing with business questions, Domovoy speaks of excessive enthusiasm for work and that the problems that have accumulated at home have been left unattended. If they are not solved, then the work will stop.
Time of action
Up to one week.
The answer to the question

40. Skipper-Beast, spawn of Chaos
When Reza Skipper-Beast appears in the layout, it portends an inevitable period when one trouble can replace another. It should be borne in mind that a series of negative events can concern not only one person, but also all people living with him in the same locality, region, city, country.
It can manifest itself as a storm warning, cold snap, earthquake and other cataclysms. Or Skipper-Beast will manifest itself in the form of an economic crisis, political difficulties in the country, and so on. During this period, it is extremely important not to do anything, as well as to gather all your strength into a fist and "take a blow".
Reza can also indicate the losses experienced, humiliation and punished pride in the past, traces and memories of which continue to torment a person. The Skipper-Beast is also a signal of rejection of the conventions accepted in society, behind which it is necessary to hide the beast living inside, which creates a strong intrapersonal conflict. How difficult and painful this experience will be depends largely on the attitude of a particular person to the situation.
The answer to the question

At all times, man has tried to look into the Future. In ancient times - to get the approval or warning of the gods and spirits before this or that business, long journey, trade deal, wedding and other important event. For this, the so-called oracle was often used - a deck of cards with images. Often, the cards depicted the faces of gods, spirits and other religious symbols inherent in a particular culture. As for the Slavs, they used runes and court figures for divination. Sudenitsy is an ancient Slavic oracle - a kind of deck of cards. But she did not look in the usual form for us. Sudenicas were made of thin wooden plates, images of the gods were applied on them with a red-hot metal rod or cut out with a sharp object. They were named after the sisters-soothsayers, who, according to ancient legends, determined the fate of a person. Slavic gods and spirits were depicted on the plates. In this case, the authors offer not tarot cards, but a Vedic oracle. Oracle, from ...


Name Ancient Slavic oracle Message of the goddess Mokoshi set book 56 cards Author Kryuchkova O., Kryuchkova E. Publishing house Golden section Edition format Soft glossy Number of pages 240 Year of issue 2017 ISBN 9785910783014

Information for those who love to guess and want to learn Slavic fortune-telling. General. Tarot cards and other divination options.

56 cards for fortune telling + instructions.

The Slavic Vedic oracle follows the ancient tradition of preserving and transmitting knowledge.

The oracle deck consists of 56 cards with images of Slavic gods and signs of the runic alphabet.

Runic cards are the Keys of the Oracle, they describe the main stages of our life path and spiritual development. Runes also reflect the most important events in life, our emotional states, aspirations and inclinations.

Big book of Slavic fortune-telling and predictions

Dikmar J.

Both in the past and at the present time, fortune-telling seems to be the only way that allows a person to slightly open the veil separating the present from the future. Slavic fortune-telling and predictions based on the ancient agricultural calendar and the thousand-year experience of our ancestors still fascinate people.

The book, which contains a variety of methods of Slavic fortune-telling (the so-called fortune-telling in Russia), is addressed to those who want to look into the unknown and find out what awaits him in the near or distant future. It will also be of interest to those who are not indifferent to Russia's past, its amazing traditions and customs.

Old Russian fortune telling

Kladnikova S.

In this book, you will find the most common methods of traditional Russian fortune telling: on candles, on coffee grounds, card and romantic girls' Christmastide. After all, from time immemorial in Russia, people have wondered about their fate.

With the help of this book you can test the effectiveness of magic in practice and find happiness both for yourself and for your loved ones!

More than 100 of the most effective and proven ways of magical protection and predictions!

Vedic spells

The famous sorcerer Roman Fad for the first time reveals the secrets of his ancestors: Slavic Vedic spells, passed down from generation to generation, are able to quickly and effectively solve any issues.

Vedic spells are magic formulas that have a strong energy message and are aimed at instantly changing the situation at a critical moment.

The vibrational structure of the spells creates a strong energy vibration that literally breaks down obstacles and aims to change the situation in favor of the person casting the spell.

Fortune telling on cards. Russian layout

Ivanov O.V.

The book tells about the most common and accessible methods of fortune telling on cards. Readers will have the opportunity to learn many secret facts about this ancient method of penetrating into the future, as well as, using hints from above, perhaps develop something new in themselves.

You don't need anything supernatural - just a deck of cards, discretion and ... a little imagination.

DVD. Card reading. Slavic style

Number of DVD discs: 2

Sometimes the flow of fate is changed by little things, the meaning of which we do not understand. Maps are such a trifle. After all, their signs have occult significance. We see cards and they speak to what is inside us besides us.

Fortune telling on cards is an ancient rite, originating in the pre-Christian sacraments and beliefs of our pagan ancestors.

From the film Fortune-telling on cards. The Slavic style, you will learn not only about how to properly prepare the attributes necessary for the rite, the room and speak the deck, not only about how to correctly decompose the Tsar's layout and penetrate the intricacies of its paths, but also how to develop your intuition in order to with the help of maps, see the past and look into the possible future.

The program is conducted by: Irina Volkova - Moscow School of Hypnosis.

Slavic runes

A quick guide to the art of divination and divination. + 25 cards.

The runes of the Slavs are the original runes, the sacred gift of the gods and ancestors.

They were born with the universe.

They contain knowledge about the structure of the Universe.

They are filled with magical Power and serve for spiritual awakening and personality development.

Runes are a symbolic system traditional for northern peoples. It is not just an ancient written language, but also a complex system of esoteric philosophy and a path of spiritual initiation. Each rune has a whole spectrum of meanings, ranging from the most primitive everyday level to the highest level of esoteric wisdom. The deep meaning of the runes remains relevant for modern civilization. They continue to provide invaluable help to people in three of the most mysterious areas: cryptography, fortune telling and magic.

Working with runes allows you to maintain harmony with the surrounding world, sensitively adjusting to natural natural cycles. Runes are able to answer complex life questions, and in addition, an experienced runist has the opportunity to use them to fulfill desires, heal, attract good luck and prosperity, and most importantly - for self-improvement and understanding the deep laws of our life.

Signs and runes of the Magi

Asov Alexander Igorevich,.

This book tells about the runes and signs of the Slavs, about the written heritage of the pre-Christian era, about the keepers of secret and runic Slavic manuscripts.

A rune certificate is also given.

Rus Vedas and Alatyr-runes

The book contains information about the ancient faith of our Slavic ancestors, about their wisdom and understanding of the structure of the universe, all the processes taking place in it. For the first time, it is the Old Slavic runes that are published, having a spelling that is significantly different from the Scandinavian runes. The author not only acquaints readers with the drawing of the runes, their connection with certain divine energies, but also reveals the secrets of the interaction of each person with the One Deity and all its facets through the inscribing of the runes and the understanding of the allegorical divine language, manifested in the material world through the phenomenon of totems and other higher signs ...

Through the study and knowledge of the power of the runes, our ancestors reached superconsciousness and created a superman in themselves, capable of sensitively responding to changes in the subtle world that affect our material space.

The book contains colored tabs: runes-cards that can be laminated, cut and used for predictive practices, and an image of the board itself, on which the runes are laid out.

Slavic karmic numerology. Improve your fate matrix

Since ancient times, it has been known that the world is ruled by numbers and their ratios, and in the old Russian practices, they paid great attention to numerical and numerological forecasts and characteristics.

The date of birth of a person was of particular importance, since information about all his past lives was encrypted in it, and on their basis - about the purpose in the current life. By date of birth, the names of a person were assigned - both generic and eternal; according to the numerological matrix, certain functions were assigned to him, marriage partners were determined, etc.

This knowledge has not been lost.

Hereditary witch expert-numerologist, astropsychologist and tarologist Natalya Maslova (Velenava), using an extensive arsenal of diagnostic tools, very accurately determines the karmic pattern of a person's fate, helps to attract good luck and reveal the inherent abilities from birth. After carefully reading the book, you will be able to independently calculate the numerological code of your destiny, as well as correct it correctly.

Folk divination and fortune-telling

All over the world at all times people wanted to know their fate - what lies ahead for them? For this, a huge variety of fortune-telling was invented.

The book is here.

This book contains the most interesting material about various types of divination and fortune-telling, such as predictive, healing and love. They are able to read the past, predict the future. Do you want to lift the curtain of the future? ..

Vedic numerology. Path of truth

Rybnikov Vladimir Anatolyevich, the book is here.

The basics of ancient Slavic Vedic numerology are associated with the ancient Vedas. The decimal system considered in the book, used by the Slavs, goes back to the depths of history, to the times when Indo-European (Aryan) unity existed.

The ancient Aryan (Vedic) numerology was of a cosmological nature and was aimed not at idle philosophizing, but at the practical application of the accumulated knowledge about the universe and human nature, about the methods of magical influence on the world around and the person himself.

Northern Oracle. Modern divination system

Zvinnik Marina.

The ancient fortune-telling, which became the starting point for the creation of the Northern Oracle, came to Europe at the end of the 19th century from Arabia. It was called "geomancy" or "dotted". It is still practiced by the desert dwellers who use dots drawn on the sand to explain the future. These points can also be applied with a pencil on paper without any order, if only after these manipulations they can be counted.

The divination system created by the author includes 256 prophecy poems, which are answers to 16 classic geomantic questions collected in a special table. You can ask a question and get an answer by referring to the table, as well as by arbitrarily opening the book, guessing something without reference to the questions presented in the book.

Reading prophecy poems, like writing them, is not easy. If the author needs an awareness of his poetic and witchcraft destiny, a clear look and responsibility for each spoken word, then the reader needs to be able to read between the lines. The Oracle's thoughts cannot be used as dogma. It is more of a guiding thread or a beacon, as you please. Sail into the light of the lighthouse or jerk headlong into the raging sea of \u200b\u200blife - everyone decides for himself. Putting your hand on the book (as if it were your hand on your heart), feel yourself part of the mighty stream of Power that is open to you (Marina Zvinnik).