It is true that parasites live in the human body. Rich inner world. Myths and truths about parasites living in humans. Skin problems

  • 05.07.2020

These processes do not happen at lightning speed. However, ignorance about the presence of pests and, accordingly, the lack of treatment for a long time leads to serious health problems.

Pest localization sites

Roundworms are common nematodes. These are pinworms, roundworms, trichinella, toxocaras, whipworms. Treatment of such a group is effectively carried out with the following drugs:

  • "Nemozol";
  • "Nourished";
  • "Dekaris";
  • Vermox;
  • Pirantel;
  • "Medamin".

In case of infection, such means are effective:


  1. Take 15 nuts. The green skin should be easy to peel off. Separate it. Fill the shell with 96% alcohol (500 ml). In a dark cool room, leave for 30 days. Then strain. The infusion is ready.
  2. Dry wormwood - leaves and fruits, chop. The powder is taken in 0.5 tsp.
  3. Clove seeds are crushed. Single dose - 500 mg (put on the tip of a knife - this is a serving).

Reception scheme:

  • Nut infusion. Be sure to take the remedy on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. Dissolve the infusion in water (10 ml). On the first day, take one drop. On the second - 2. On the third - 3. This continues for all 5 days. On the sixth - drink 2 teaspoons. This dosage should be used for the next five days, twice a day. Further, for 6-8 weeks, the reception is carried out once for 2 tsp.
  • Wormwood powder. Half an hour before eating, this remedy is used. It is washed down with water. On the first day, a pinch is enough. On the second - 1/4 tsp. The third day - increase the dose to 1/3 teaspoon. By the fourth, the serving is 1/2 tsp. Gradually increasing the dose, by day 14 you should reach a portion of 1/4 tbsp. spoons. For the next six days, this measure is the norm. Further, within 6-8 weeks, 1/4 tbsp. tablespoons of powder is taken only once a week.
  • Carnation seeds... It has a unique property to increase immunity. Reception occurs three times a day half an hour before meals. For the first day, it is recommended to use 1/5 teaspoon. To the second, the dose should be increased to 1/4 teaspoon. From the third to the tenth day, the norm is 1/3 teaspoon. Subsequently, the reception takes place every 7 days. The course of this treatment is 6-8 weeks.

To write a post, a decision arose due to the fact that our kids are already actively crawling, trying everything to taste, many live in the house with little animals and no, but there are messages "worms, what if."
article Elena Evgenievna Kornakova

."I often hear from pet owners:" Of course, we have parasites. After all, a dog and a cat live in the house. We all get infected from them. "Is this so? What is the real danger of coexistence between people and pets? last years books, written by people very far from medicine, have become popular, which claim that all diseases are from parasites, that pets are an absolute evil, a constant source of infection for people, they must be thrown out into the street if you want to stay healthy. Unfortunately, these "folk parasitologists" write very convincingly, and people who do not have special knowledge develop a negative attitude towards pets. Meanwhile, animals in the house are a constant source of positive emotions, they are reliable friends of children and adults, and often necessary companions for the elderly. In psychiatry, the terms "cat therapy" and "dog therapy" even appeared, so great positive influence pets on the morale of people. At the same time, common parasites of humans and animals do exist. Therefore, it is important for all pet owners to know how to properly maintain animals in order to minimize the risk of parasite infestation. First of all, you need to understand that parasites are not influenza viruses transmitted by airborne droplets. The parasite cannot directly "jump" from the dog to the owner. Infection with parasites is subject to certain patterns. So, the so-called specificity of the parasite is very important, that is, the degree of its confinement to a particular host. There are parasites that affect a wide range of hosts, while others can only parasitize in one specific form. In our domestic animals, such highly specific parasites are, for example, demodex skin mites. Canine demodicosis can be a serious problem for the animal and its owner. However, this parasite is completely incapable of infecting humans. In turn, other types of Demodex parasitizing humans never infect domestic animals. Most of the parasites of our pets are highly specific parasites and cannot survive in humans. Depending on the method of infection, the types of parasites common to humans and pets are divided into several groups. In humans and pets, worms such as broad tapeworm, cucumber tapeworm, or dipylydium, cat fluke, trematode nanofietes, and trichinella nematodes parasitize. However, animals cannot serve as a source of human infection with these parasites for a simple reason - these species are biohelminths, that is, before infecting the final host, animal or human, they must go through a certain development path in intermediate hosts, other invertebrates or vertebrates. Therefore, these worms both people and animals become infected through insufficiently heat-treated fish or meat. We can say that in these cases, both we and our animals are victims of a bad cook. The cucumber tapeworm stands alone in this row. Infection with this worm occurs when an infected flea larva is swallowed. Of course, people can only swallow a flea by accident. Most often, children become infected with dipylidiosis if they eat with dirty hands, on which such a flea appears. Small children can play on the floor, get their hands dirty with house dust containing fleas, and then suck their fingers. Therefore, the prevention of dipylidiosis consists in carefully protecting pets from flea infestation. The pattern is simple - no fleas, no infection. Another group of worms is the so-called geohelminths. Infection with these parasites occurs through eggs or larvae in the soil or street dirt. How do the eggs of animal parasites get there? It's very simple - when the natural physiological processes are sent outside the home. Heaps of feces on the streets are a constant feature of our cities and towns and villages. Therefore, the infection of domestic animals with such parasites is very high. In essence, we ourselves, humans, create conditions for the reinfection of both animals and humans with our frivolous attitude. Indeed, in nature, from where we took our pets and domesticated, the situation is completely different - a pack of wolves or a family of wild cats lives in a large area where such eggs or larvae scatter, so the probability of infection is low. That is why parasites are characterized by a huge production of eggs - this is a device to increase the likelihood of infection and the continuation of the parasite of its kind. We create in our settlements a high concentration of domestic animals in a limited area, with all the ensuing consequences. Studies have shown that human infection with animal parasites is directly proportional to people's attitudes toward social hygiene. So, in Germany, where it is unthinkable to go out for a walk with the dog without taking with you a scoop and a couple of bags for cleaning feces, where the streets are washed with special shampoos, and on television, they call on the television, upon finding a pile of feces, to immediately call the municipality to send a cleaner, contamination people with animal parasites are the lowest in Europe. In Holland, where the attitude towards small groups on the street is similar to that in Russia, the infection of people is the highest. And one more very important point - the probability of infection is the same for animal owners and people without them. After all, it is very difficult to imagine a situation when the owner of an animal becomes infected directly from him. Of course, the likelihood of infection is greater if the animals are kept on the street in a country house, and it satisfies its natural needs in the yard. There is only one way out - to remove the waste products of their animals. Therefore, it is the owners of the animals that are fully responsible for the current situation. As a consolation for my readers, I will say that in our northern country there are less geohelminths than, for example, in the warm country of America. There are much more such parasites, as well as the owners of individual cottages with plots. Therefore, all American veterinarians conduct special explanatory work with pet owners about the importance of hygiene in their keeping, veterinary sites are full of warnings about dangerous parasites that can be infected in their own yard. Nevertheless, Americans are also likely to be susceptible to the Russian “maybe it will carry”, and infections of people are recorded there quite often. What kind of geohelminths can you get infected in Russia? First of all, this is toxocariasis, which we talked about in detail earlier, one of the types of whipworms common in humans and animals, people can also become infected with pulmonary capillariasis, or tominxosis. Both people and pets are equally susceptible to infection with hookworms, the larvae of which develop in the soil and penetrate the hosts, penetrating the skin. Occasionally, infection of people and dioctofime is detected - a parasite that affects not the intestines, but the kidneys. It is especially important that for people these parasites are nonspecific, that is, on the one hand, they do not easily take root in the human body, and on the other hand, if they have already succeeded, they cause much more serious consequences than in their usual hosts. Another dangerous parasite of dogs is echinococcus. This parasite rarely infects people, but over the past five years, the infection of people in Russia with echinococcus has tripled! Dogs become infected with echinococcus by eating the insides of intermediate hosts - sheep, goats, horses, cows, moose, wild boars, as well as rodents, such as hares. Therefore, rural and hunting dogs are more susceptible to infection. Dogs develop a very small worm that is harmless to their health. People in internal organs the larvae of this parasite develop, sometimes reaching the size of a child's head. Echinococcus is, in essence, a disease of dirty hands, and its prevention consists of both personal hygiene measures and regular deworming of dogs. Can people infect pets with their parasites? Yes, this also happens, although rarely. For example, puppies can become infected with pinworms. Adult dogs do not have the disease they cause, enterobiasis, and puppies are susceptible to it. Most people know that the main symptom of enterobiasis is perianal itching. Involuntarily, in a dream, scratching, people collect pinworm eggs on their fingers. From them they fall on the surrounding objects, become a component of house dust. Puppies, licking themselves, swallow them and become infected. This happens especially often in families with small children, the main carriers of enterobiasis. We also have common parasitic protozoa. So, until recently, it was believed that only people are infected with lamblia. In recent years, it turned out that this human parasite has adapted to infect our pets as well. Thus, man has become the reason that now pets, through all the same street dirt, become the cause of human infection. It is especially necessary to dwell on toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmas are parasitic protozoa, the development of which occurs with a change of hosts. Many animals, as well as people, are their intermediate hosts, and cats are the final owners. Toxoplasmosis is dangerous for people with immunodeficiency, that is, those infected with the AIDS virus, receiving immunosuppressive therapy for, for example, an autoimmune or oncological disease. For most people, toxoplasmosis infection is not dangerous, and the development of a clinically expressed disease does not occur. It is dangerous only in one case - if a woman for the first time in her life becomes infected with toxoplasmosis during pregnancy or shortly before conception. In this case, Toxoplasma crosses the placenta into the developing fetus, which can lead to the birth of a child with severe congenital diseases. Doctors often suggest that a pregnant woman get rid of the cat. How justified are these fears, is the risk of infection really that great? The concepts of toxoplasmosis, the routes of infection and the role of animals in the transmission of this invasion are often mistaken not only among ordinary people, but even among specialists - doctors and veterinarians. Lack of information about toxoplasmosis leads to both an underestimation of the likelihood of contracting this disease, and to "toxoplasmosis", sometimes expressed in a panic fear of contact with pets. Toxoplasmosis undoubtedly deserves a separate article to devote to it, but here I will briefly say only one thing: the risk of infection from a domestic cat is undoubtedly exaggerated. Indeed, cats infected with toxoplasmosis shed oocysts, which are one of the sources of human infection. However, a cat secretes oocysts only during the first three weeks after its infection, and then becomes a carrier of chronic latent, that is, latent, toxoplasmosis, like all other animals and people. Moreover, the cysts excreted in the feces of cats are still non-infectious for humans, they must "mature" for at least one day, and usually three to five, to become infectious. Therefore, if the litter box is cleaned daily, and the cat does not have the habit of shitting in food, there is no danger of infection from it at all. People are much more likely to contract toxoplasmosis through insufficiently cooked meat, such as steaks with blood or tasting minced meat. It is known that about 25% of meat is contaminated with Toxoplasma and is a source of infection. The source of infection is also street dirt containing Toxoplasma oocysts, and land in suburban areas, where not only the owner, but also an alien cat can recover. Therefore, the main measures for the prevention of toxoplasmosis are all the same clean hands and well-cooked (fried, steamed) food. There is also such a group of animal parasitic diseases as arachnoses. Arachnoses are caused by arthropods parasitizing the skin or its thickness, mainly mites. Everyone knows the blood-sucking ticks that lie in wait for people and animals in nature, and often in city gardens and parks. The above-mentioned demodex also belongs to mites. In addition to them, parasitic mites, for example, are itch itching. Dogs and cats have different types of itch itching. They can infect humans and cause scabies. But, unlike scabies caused by the human type of scabies itch, this scabies usually goes away without treatment within seven to ten days. Usually, children are more susceptible to itchy itchy animals than adults. Likewise, human scabies itch cannot cause serious illness in animals. Another mite, notoedres, affects mainly cats and rabbits and causes a scabies-like disease with itching and hair loss. Notoedres are also specific to their hosts and, striking a person, do not stay for a long time in his body. However, they can cause skin irritation, accompanied by itching. This disease also self-cures within a few days. Many pet owners believe that if it eats fun and well, then it is healthy. Here we again run into the notion of specificity - forgive me for having to "load" readers with an excess of scientific information, but we cannot do without it. Parasites specific to animals, during a long joint evolution, have adapted to parasitize in them with the least harm to the host. After all, if they quickly bring the owner to the grave, the life of the parasite will end with him. This explains why even heavily parasitized animals can look healthy. When they enter the body of a non-specific host, for example, a human, they cause a much more serious disease. Therefore, all animal owners, without exception, are responsible for the health of both our pets and those around them. For our coexistence with pets to bring only joy, we need to rebuild our mentality. Let's be honest, very few pet owners follow the simple rule of cleaning up after their pets. But it's not difficult at all, you just have to develop such a habit. Regular deworming is another important component of keeping pets properly. In previous articles of our magazine, we have already talked about how to choose the right drugs for deworming and how to carry it out. Prevention of infection by fleas and other external parasites is not a problem either - now in veterinary pharmacies there is a large selection of drugs for this. However, even if absolutely all pet owners change overnight and begin to take care of social hygiene, the situation with the infection of people with parasites of domestic animals will not change for the better soon, because the soil of our cities and villages has accumulated a huge number of parasite eggs. Therefore, another component of infection prevention is personal hygiene, expressed simply in clean hands. And let's give our warm hearts to our pets!

Summer and the beginning of autumn are the ripening season for berries, fruits, vegetables, a time for outdoor recreation - with swimming in reservoirs of sometimes dubious purity, with picnics, where the main dish is barbecue, grilled meat, or even a steak with blood.

Those who like to tinker in the country will rarely deny themselves the pleasure of picking a cucumber or berry from the garden and right there in their mouths. And why wash, after all, everything is its own, "environmentally friendly". But what about the fishermen? Who refuses to prepare the catch for future use - to salt, wither, smoke? And few people think that it can be dangerous.

Meanwhile, according to the World Health Organization, up to 90% of the world's inhabitants are inhabited by by no means friendly organisms. And getting such a “neighbor” is easier than it seems.

To worms for joy

Who lives in us?

The length of the wide ribbon can reach 10 meters. In the human body it is in a twisted form, it feeds on all the useful substances that a person uses. Infection more often occurs after eating raw fish. The main signs of the disease are exhaustion of the body, anemia, frequent abdominal pain, morning vomiting, nausea, constant fatigue, drowsiness.

Bovine and pork tapeworms enter the human body along with raw meat or meat products that have not been properly processed. They live in the intestines for decades, growing from two to seven meters. The danger is represented by tapeworm larvae, which can penetrate the brain or eyes.

Even the bite of an ordinary mosquito can turn into a serious problem: after contact with a sick animal, it can infect you with dirofilariasis.

First suspicions

“Each type of helminth has its own clinical manifestations, but if there is an unreasonable temperature, including subfebrile, skin rashes that are difficult to treat, protracted, recurrent, obstructive bronchitis, accompanied by shortness of breath in children, it is better to be examined, to pass at least a general blood test, - says Svetlana Vitalievna. "If it has an increased number of eosonophils, which are responsible for allergic reactions, then you should think about helminthic invasions."

It is dangerous to eat poorly processed meat and raw fish. Photo: AiF / Svetlana Borisova

"The Center for Preventive Medicine, offers a complete examination of the body on the apparatus of the XXI century. It will replace many doctors, more than 20 laboratory tests, the method is indispensable for unclear and controversial diagnoses. The method allows ... Doctor consultation, computer testing (diagnostics)"

In Russia, such "diagnostics" are carried out on the Oberon, Metatron and other devices.

The radiation spectrum of the device corresponds to the radiation spectrum of pathogenic alien flora - weak electromagnetic oscillations of a special form and frequency, which are passed through the body with the help of special passive palmar electrodes. As a result of this effect, the protective functions of pathogenic organisms are allegedly weakened, the amount of toxins and waste products they produce decreases. That, in turn, supposedly helps the body's immune system to recognize and reduce the activity of the pathogenic flora, and eventually remove it from the body.

Various biologically active additives are actively used for the treatment of "discovered virtual diseases". They include many medicinal plants: garlic, wormwood, tansy flowers, chamomile flowers, blueberries, centaury herb, buckthorn bark, carrot seeds, orange peel, dandelion root, carnation flowers, lavender, mint, male fern, pumpkin, pomegranate bark, peel walnut and etc.

Pay attention - in the photo the dietary supplements are already laid out and you will definitely find a reason to use them!

Here is an example of a typical advertisement: "For the most effective solution to health problems when using NSP products, the office provides for testing the body, based on nonlinear analysis of spectrally similar reference processes."

Computer diagnostics is a very profitable means to impose unnecessary expensive dietary supplements on anyone. Firstly, you can get additional income from the client (actually for the diagnosis itself), after the discovery of non-existent diseases, the client is intimidated and inspiring as much as possible, and, finally, all this brings an element of scientific nature and similarity of medicine to the process of imposing dietary supplements.

I state with regret that often people who have no medical education at all are engaged in "computer diagnostics".

Here is a post to the topic:

Charlatans intimidated doctors with worms

Judging by the latest information, all people who used barbecue should have had trichinosis already.

A woman called me a few years ago and asked to put the cat to sleep. When asked why they were going to do this, the woman replied that they took her son to computer diagnostics, and there they established that he allegedly had ringworm. They wrote out about 3000 rubles of dietary supplements and advised to get rid of the cat. I ask: does the animal or son have visible skin lesions (rounded, hairless, reddish spots on the skin)? The mother said no. I sympathize, I say - you were deceived ...

WHO, of course, is a very serious organization, which is why it was not difficult to make sure that what was quoted above was a complete lie, because WHO publishes all documents of interest to the public on its website, and in several languages. Including in Russian. There are no reports, having studied which one can make such a stunning conclusion, there.

Not true! - Anna Nikolaevna declares.

Of course not.

I was outraged that in the "Reviews" section, where the administration seemed to disclaim responsibility with the words "reviews are published without changes," "the administration is not responsible for the content of the letters," there were only positive reviews from dozens of grateful customers. Having tried to leave my comments here on behalf of the doctor, I expected that my doubts would be immediately posted on the site. It was not so!

Instead, to my email address, I received a response from a certain Yuri Kheifets, who urged me to "try to understand that the electromagnetic field of the apparatus, according to the canons of biophysics, creates an EMF in liquid media of the body, which normalizes the bioelectric potential cell membranes, including the membranes of cells of the immune system ", and also that" the normalization of the cells of the immune system leads to the activation of their activity in relation to the foci of accumulation of pathogens of infections and invasions "... Strange.

I know for sure: in order to understand whether an intervention is effective or not, you need to conduct experimental study, the results of which are published in scientific literature. But traders with a box of light bulbs explained to me that if I "cannot understand the principle of the device, then I should read any textbook of biophysics." Thank you for enlightening the unreasonable! When I tried to leave a simpler message in the "Reviews" section on behalf of a patient who was not helped by the device, but his condition worsened, I was no longer surprised to receive a response from the same Yuri Kheifets. Now he told me that, it turns out, I "did not understand the principle of the apparatus at all." And the deterioration of my condition from its use is due to the fact that "the device normalizes the tone of the patient's immune system, prompting it to independently attack the foci of accumulation of harmful agents. It was during such an attack that a previously hidden disease was revealed ..." /

If all positive changes in people's health (and most diseases flow in waves) are, from the point of view of these ingenious charlatans, the result of using the apparatus, and all complications and deteriorations occurring during its use are associated with "previously latent diseases", then undoubtedly, one can only congratulate the producers of "Homeoton". And give them two Nobel Prizes and a personal guillotine. In conclusion, I would like to note that, except for a dozen diagnostic devices, three or four of which can be used for self-monitoring of diseases, and several medical devices used in intensive care and surgical departments, except for a dozen diagnostic devices, DO NOT EXIST. Remember this, because there are a lot of devices like the Homeotonon on sale today. I just do not understand why the medical community is silent, allowing shameless swindlers to turn their business, ripping off gullible people with serious illnesses.

Unfortunately, it must be stated that the crooks run their business not only with the connivance of the medical community, but also with its support (apparently, not for free!). On the Antiparazit website. ru there is a list of those institutions where the apparatus "Homeoton" was allegedly tested. It is noteworthy that there is also the Nizhny Novgorod Rehabilitation Center for Disabled People (NORTSI). There is a scanned copy of a document on the website, in which the head physician of NORTSI, apparently, writes in earnest that ... three patients have been treated with Homeoton. And two of them even "felt better" ... Of course, the use of urine on an empty stomach helps someone. Meanwhile, as Kirill Danishevsky emphasizes, such studies require at least a hundred, and sometimes up to twenty thousand patients. They are divided into two groups, and in a random way: an experimental (where patients are treated with the method that is being tested) and a control (in which, if it is permissible, the tested treatment is imitated or the patients are treated in a standard way). At the same time, neither the researcher, nor the doctors, nor the patients should know which of the patients is in which group, and all conclusions regarding the effectiveness of the new technique are made on the basis of the differences that are shown by the data of the protocols, from which only one can find out which of the patients received experimental treatment. The protocols are opened after the completion of the experiment ... But readers do not need to know these subtleties. Most importantly, wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet and beware of charlatans!

Irina Slavina

Nizhegorodskaya Pravda # 25, 2009

Thoroughly wash vegetables (especially root crops), hands before eating, heat meat and fish for a long time

Do not eat raw and doubtfully dried fish.

In principle, do not use the meat of badgers and bears in food, be extremely careful with elk.

Give anthelmintics to your dogs and cats regularly (ideally twice a year).

Once a year, donate your feces for the analysis of worm eggs.

Air? That is, they can be inhaled with dust?

Yes. Many patients are offended: “where do we get the worms? We are very clean, we always wash our hands. " Everything is very simple. For example, a person is walking a dog. She shit on the sidewalk (the owner, of course, didn't clean up after her). The sun dried up this business, the wind raised and carried the "bacteriological weapon" to a nearby street cafe. By the way, ENT doctors often find ascaris larvae in the nose.

From microscopic (protozoa, schistosomes, trichinella toxacara), up to several meters (tapeworms). In my practice, there have also been 15-meter chains.

Does the infection depend on the person's age?

Since children get to know the world "to taste" and put everything in their mouths, they are more likely to get sick with cavity worms (which live in the intestines). In adults, tissue helminths (living in muscles, various organs and tissues) are mainly found.

Everywhere. They can settle in any organs, muscles, joints, bones, blood, lymph, sperm. There is not a single environment that would not be amazed.

Worms in the seed. Doesn't sound very good. Are they there right there?

Yes, and very aggressively. Through a microscope, you can observe how Trichinella devours sperm. After all, the sperm is a protein, which means it is a rich nutritious product. Helminths appreciate it.

Can worms get out through the holes of a person?

With what symptoms do patients come to you?

Many people kiss and let cats and dogs go to bed. What about pets?

If there are pets at home, then the risk of being infected is one hundred percent. Therefore, periodically it is necessary to simultaneously sanitize both the animals and the owner. By the way, not only pets can infect us, but we can also infect them.

In Japan where sushi is a whole ritual with all the necessary attributes (wasabi, ginger, sake) - yes. In our country, where these rules are often not followed, no. Although, in principle, you can eat anything you want, the main thing is to read a prayer before eating. She cleans food. After all, before, until they pray before a meal, no one even took a spoon.

How do patients react when they find out about their adversity?

As a rule, it is adequate. But sometimes it happens that they cry, take offense. Like, where did I get such a clean person? Once a patient was found to have Trichomonas, to which she began to shout: "Who are you holding me for, I'm a decent woman!" As a result, I wrote a complaint about the clinic. But Trichomonas are of different types, and not necessarily sexually transmitted.

Can the worms leave the host's body on their own? Without treatment?

How can you prevent the appearance of "uninvited guests"?

The main thing is to follow the rules of hygiene. In the morning and in the evening, take a shower and change clothes. You need to eat right. Eat less sweets. For meat, give preference to horse meat and lamb. And such dishes as steak with blood is just an invitation to worms in your body. Eat more fermented foods ( sauerkraut, cucumbers) and spicy (especially mustard, horseradish, onions). Many peoples have been eating a lot of spicy food for a reason.

How to protect yourself from infection in southern countries, such as Thailand or India?

How difficult is the treatment?

How long should I wait for the test results?

Analyzes are different. For example, the results of scraping can be found in 10 minutes, and the study of bacteriological cultures lasts a week.

Now the water is losing its physiochemical properties... If earlier it was possible to drink safely from any source, now infection with protozoa and helminths is ensured. The reason for this is pesticides and chlorides. They remove the natural antiseptic iodine from the water. In addition to this, due to modern nutrition and water, the acidity of the blood and stomach decreases in humans. We are getting too little chlorine. It is fashionable to say that salt is white death. Who invented this? Salt should always be on the table, because it is a source of chlorine for the body.

Therefore, until a person learns to live in peace with his body and nature, the situation will only get worse. And it is not rosy even now. It is believed that 99.9% of the world's population suffers from helminthiases.